Sunday, October 20, 2013

Run Boo's RUN!

In high school, I ran all of the time. Cross country, track and even just on my own. I kept running for my first few years in college. One day, it just wasn't as fun anymore. I'm not sure why exactly. I just grew tired of it. That and my knees began to hate me for it. I know one day they're really going to give out on me. I still love exercising. We have a million workout dvds in our home (Shaun T, you will always be my favorite). I have developed a love for yoga in the past year. It helps so much with my balance and comfort. It even really helps out with my riding. I have also been working on getting healthier over the last year. Working out more, taking better care of myself and trying to eat better. My favorite eating plan (I refuse to call it a diet) is Weight Watchers. I have to be able to still splurge on things I love every now and then. This past summer I did the South Beach cleanse (no carbs, no sugar) for 2 weeks. While it was absolute hell in the process, I felt amazing when I was done. And I lost 10 pounds!!! I know I could never keep up with that plan, but it was amazing how much of a difference I felt when I wasn't filling my body with white carbs and sugars. I had more energy and just felt so much better. I try to avoid white sugar as much as possible now and always try to swap out brown sugar instead. I also try to have greens with every meal I eat. Its amazing the difference it makes. Last week, I took the dogs to the vet for their annual check up. Long story short, Chloe Bell needs to lose 10 pounds. She's been stealing Kudzu's cat food a lot and not exercising as often. The vet informed me that if we just make small changes in her life, the pounds will come off quite easily. She'll still be eating the same amount of food, but we'll be swapping biscuits for bananas, adding steamed veggies to her meals, and having regular daily exercise with her. This will increase her lifespan and quality of her life. When I was telling Boo all of this, I couldn't help but realize how much I needed to be doing things like that for myself (especially the swapping of biscuits and bananas!). So, in an effort to support Chloe and get even healthier in my life I've decided to eat even better and exercise even more. Boo and I have signed up for 2 5K's this year (one is this month and another is in December). Did I mention I hate running? I'm still going to get in better shape by doing it! I certainly won't be running every day. I'll also be mountain biking, hiking, yoga-ing, horseback riding and pilates. I can't just stick with one thing. It never works out for me if I try. Today Boo and I took the dogs on a run/hike. I didn't think I'd last more than 10 minutes. What do you know, we lasted 45 minutes!! I know that my pace was so much slower than he normally goes, but he didn't seem to mind at all. Chloe and Nicholas had a blast. We also were able to enjoy the beautiful leaves and views up here. Sometimes I forget how lovely these mountains are. It was wonderful to spend that time with my family and now I feel great!!! I challenge you to make small changes in your life. They don't have to be crazy. Even if instead of changing everything, just ADD more to your meals (as long as the MORE consists of veggies and water-it makes a difference). I hope that now that I have written this post and put it out there for all of you to see, you'll hold me accountable to be healthier. Life is so very short. Enjoy it while you can and be just a bit healthier so it'll be a bit longer.
Fall 2013 If I can do it, YOU can do it. Here's to being healthier and happier in 2014!