Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Here I Go Again.....

I'm not sure why updating this blog has taken such a long time....I feel like its a bit silly to update much on here since everyone that reads this blog also reads my facebook page (which is updated daily). But I have also had many people mention that they would like for me to update and keep up with this blog more often. So, I will hopefully do a better job of it in 2013. Can't believe how quickly 2012 went by. Sometimes I can feel myself just wishing time would slow down. Other times I am hoping it will fly in anticipation of things to come. I guess the best way to solve that problem is to just try to enjoy things as they come along. 2012 was a year with many wonderful new beginnings for our furry family....Boo and I are finally engaged. It only took the boy 5 years to ask me. I guess he just wanted to be really sure. We added sweet baby Draggo to our herd. Who knew we could learn to love another horse so quickly. But we sure do. He makes me laugh everytime I see him at the barn with his wild antics and funny personality. Chloe showed up and decided she'd been here all along. What a blessing she has been to us (especially Nicholas). Its as if she knew we needed her even more than she needed us. She sure is a mess, but I can't get enough of that little yellow dog.
2012 also brought a bit of heartache for us. Saying goodbye to Sally was one of the saddest days of my life. I love her to pieces and always will. She stuck by me from the moment I brought her home. I know many people would find it cliche but I don't care. I'll say it anyhow. God sent that dog to this earth with me in mind. A hole in my heart will always be there for her. I'm so thankful to have had 11 incredible years with her. I know that shes keeping Truman company and I know I will see them both again one day.
I am looking forward to all of the wonderful things that 2013 has in store for our silly 'little' family. Its easy to get caught up in the day to day crap and forget how lucky we truly are. I don't like to make new year's resolutions. I never really keep them and just end up feeling like I failed. But I do enjoy having new year's 'hopes'. My hopes for this year are that I remember how lucky I am each and every day to have such a special family and to be surrounded by so much love in such a beautiful place. The world is really quite lovely out there, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Yay. I love this, and I love your "little" family too! See you soon friend!
