Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tack Room Re-Vamp

I am a lucky girl to spend every day working with horses. Few people enjoy their job as much as I do. At High Rocks, we have not 1 but 2 barns to house all of our sweet horses.

Camp itself was built in the 50's. The first barn was built towards the middle of camp. In the 70's they built 2 new barns in a different part of camp. These are the barns that we use today. They are both wonderful and some of the nicest facilities on camp property. However, with all things used over time (especially in the horse world) stuff tends to develop wear and tear. Case in point- the tack room. The tack room in the upper barn (which is the larger of the 2 barns) is the hub of the equestrian program. Its where all of our equipment is stored. Its also where the staff keeps all of their personal items and tack. It is actually very large compared to most tack rooms. Unfortunately, the tack room needs some love...the floor is ragged, the paint fading and the ceiling is literally falling in. Its a shame that our tack room can't be nicer with such a lovely barn and such a wonderful program.

I'm happy, no, thrilled to announce that our tack room is now getting a full makeover!!!!! The maintenance staff has begun working and it is going to be unbelievable! We're talking new ceiling, new walls, new floor, staff cubbies, new desk, shelves, paint...the works. I am SO daggone excited about this!!!!!

Here are a few BEFORE pictures. I can't wait for the AFTER pictures!

The back part of the tack room (where you can see the 3 saddles) used to have a shelf. On that shelf was where all the staff had to keep the majority of their belongings. With the re-vamp, the staff will all have their own cubbies with room for their helmet, boots, pants...and all the other stuff us crazy horse ladies need.

Here are the walls where the saddle racks go. We are re-doing the saddle racks with new saddle holders. We are also putting up board on this wall instead of this card board looking stuff. These walls will also be painted.

Here is our meds and sink area. We are re-wiring outlets and switches here. I think the shelves are going to be worked on a bit too. I had to clean just about everything out of this area. I won't even tell you all the crazy stuff I found in this area!

Last but not least, here is our lovely bathroom. We are one of the lucky few who have our very own washer and dryer down at the barn. This room will have the ceiling and floor re-done and will be painted as well.

I'm so thankful that we have such a wonderful place to work. This tack room is going to be so amazing and I hope that the barn staff are going to be as excited about this as I am!!!!

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