Friday, September 16, 2011


Yesterday morning started like any other day for me. I headed out to the barn to feed and then ride. Within 15 minutes of being there, I realized that something was very wrong with my horse Truman. I called Townsend and then the vet. He was beginning to colic. I started walking him all over camp to prevent him from laying down...for around 45 minutes waiting for the vet to get there. Every step with him I kept thinking over and over, "this is going to be okay....he's GOT to be okay....I love this horse too much for him to not be okay..."
The vet got there and it was quickly assesed. Truman's large colon had completely displaced and twisted. Blood flow was being cut off in all the wrong places. It was the rarest and most deadly form of colic possible. He was in a tremendous amount of pain. He was dying before my eyes. There was no other choice but to take him to the emergency vet hospital one hour away. We loaded him and took off.
The moment they opened the trailer at the hospital, my heart sank. Truman was lying on his side. He was breathing very little...the pain was just too much for him. I can't describe the agony I was feeling. The tears had begun an hour ago and they were only getting worse. The surgeon looked me in the eye and said, "you have a decision: operate or put him down right now." By the grace of God, I have parents who are willing to help me with something like this. Colic surgery is EXTREMELY expensive. There is no way I could afford it without their help. I said immediately, "do what you have to do. please try to fix him."
The surgery was touch and go, but Truman woke up well. They gave him a 50/50 chance for surviving. His colon is still very sick. But just knowing that he was out of pain and able to stand was enough for me. At this point all we can do is pray.
His protein level is at 3.5 when it should be at 7. If his protein continues to decrease, we will know that his colon has begun to leak and his body will then become septic. There is no recovery from that. I am as hopeful as I can be and praying every step of the way. The fact that he was able to go to surgery was a huge blessing that I'm sure a lot of owners do not have. Through all of this heartbreak, I am still realizing I am blessed to have such people to help me in this situation. Please pray for my pony.

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